La sesión de fotos fue bastante divertida y creo que se refleja, estoy contenta con el resultado! Quizá hayáis comprobado que hay post con fotos de mejor calidad (como el de hoy) y otros de menos (como el último)...eso es porque no siempre puedo disfrutar de una cámara réflex, pero se hace lo que se puede!
Por último, quería comentarios que estoy maquinando una sección semanal para el blog, pero hasta final de semana no os lo puedo contar porque ando dándole forma...así que estad atentos :)
Muchísimas gracias por seguirme, por comentar y opinar o simplemente por pasaros por aquí!
Besitos a todos!!
Finally, I got my bell-bottoms! If someone had told me some years ago, I wouldn't have believed it, but since few time ago, I took a fancy to them and they didn't go out of my head. These are from Pimkie (just 7 euros) and I can't be happier! I know that some of you don't usually go shopping there, but I discovered that in those shop, trousers don't stretch, and I've repeated in some ocations. And what about you, are you against bell-bottoms or not?
Photograpy session was so funny and I think it is clear. I am so happy with the result! Maybe you had checked that there are better quality photos posts (like today) and there are worse too (like the last one)..and that's because I can't always take the reflex camera.
At last but not least, I would like to know your comments about an idea I had. It's a weekly section for my blog, but I can't tell you till the weekend! You have to be attentive!
So much thanks to everbody, for following, giving your opinion o just for coming here!
Kisses to all!
Blusa: Pull & Bear
Pantalón: Pimkie
Bolso: Zara
Collar: vintage (grandma)
Sandalias: Stradivarius